Physical Therapy
We offer direct care for acute injuries that have occurred within the past 30 days. If you have chronic pain or problem that has been ongoing longer than 30 days please schedule an appointment with your medical provider and get a referral to Physical Therapy.
We have one physical therapist who evaluates and treats neuromuscular injuries. These include Spine, Joints, Muscles, Tendons, Ligaments, Nerves, and Balance issues
Some specialized treatments available are Spinal and peripheral joint manipulation, ASTYM (soft tissue technique), Therapeutic Dry Needling, and Kinesiotaping Functional rehabilitation.
Note: Patients are to wear gym attire to appointments to allow movement and access to the area(s) being treated. Please arrive 10 minutes prior for your Initial appointment with the Physical Therapist to allow time to accomplish paper work. For every other appointment in the Physical Therapy clinic please be on time.